Age of a certain file
In custom.conf:
[Age of .DAT file] command=cscript /nologo C:\filetime.vbs C:\Path\To\.DAT-file type=integer result_pattern=([[:digit:]]+) unit=h timeout=5
In filetime.vbs:
Dim Args, FS, File, FileName Set Args = WScript.Arguments Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 then WScript.Echo "You must specify a filename" WScript.Quit(1) end if FileName = WScript.Arguments(0) if not FS.FileExists(FileName) then WScript.Echo "The specified file does not exist" WScript.Quit(1) end if Set File = FS.GetFile(FileName) 'There are several options for what to output. 'The "h" parameter is hours,and can be changed to e.g. "D" for days or '"n" for minutes. If "n" is used then "min" should be used as unit in custom.conf 'WScript.Echo DateDiff("h", File.DateCreated, Now) 'WScript.Echo DateDiff("n", File.DateLastAccessed, Now) 'WScript.Echo DateDiff("D", File.DateLastModified, Now) WScript.Echo DateDiff("h", File.DateLastModified, Now)