Knowledge Base
Knowlegebase articles
Welcome to SysOrb knowledge base. Her you will find detailed explanation on questions regarding SysOrb. The list is under continues development and new articles will be added. You can follow the links below or enter a "key word" to search all of the articles.
- Agent crashes
- Automatic rescan of all nodes in a domain
- Bandwidth consumption estimate
- Basic database tuning
- Can I customize the reports in SysOrb?
- Disabling specific checks
- Does SysOrb support SNMP traps?
- Explanation of the score keeper strategy.
- How does HTTP Netcheck work in SysOrb?
- How to automatically update alert group on all nodes to “As domain”
- How to backup SysOrb database
- How to change time interval value of agent_checkin_delay
- How to move the SysOrb server to a new server
- How to quickly set downtime on an agent
- I cannot get all of the "performance counters/cache" entries to appear in SysOrb what should I do?
- Migrating MIB information from one SysOrb installation to another
- Migrating the configuration of a Windows SysOrb server from 32 to 64 bits
- No empty blocks in meta database.
- Script to get a list of nodes which have no AlertGroup
- SysOrb agent is not checking in to the Sysorb server
- SysOrb agent stops checking in from a windows server with very long system uptime
- SysOrb server shuts down unexpectedly
- System uptime no longer updates on windows
- Unable to monitor hardware (fans, disks, temperatures etc.) on Windows
- Upgrading SysOrb on Windows
- Uploading a SysOrb database to Evalesco
- What does KiB and MiB mean?
- What is IPMI ?
- Windows agent late for check-in every hour
How does HTTP Netcheck work in SysOrb?
The IP address which SysOrb connects to, when performing a HttpCheck (or any other NetCheck), is given by the content of the field "Node dns-name/ip-address or Agent name" on the "Edit node" page.
The HTTP protocol is special compared to all the other NetCheck protocols, in that it allows multiple "virtual servers" to share one IP-address. The HttpCheck specific field "URL to check" can be used to select between virtual servers on the one IP address as given by the field on the "Edit node" page.
If the the HTTP check in SysOrb fails SysOrb will report the error code it could be e.g. Bad Request which correspond to HTTP status code 400. For reference a list of HTTP status code can be found here